Welcome to the Big Kid’s Room (3 year old program). Our goal in this Pre-School setting is to prepare your child for more formal learning by providing a series of hands-on activities. The learning environment encourages children to develop the necessary skills for success in school. Our program recognizes the value of free choice activities combined with teacher directed activities, outdoor play, art, science, music and dramatic play.

When planning, teachers will choose activities that will foster cognitive language development through exposure to literature, drawing and speaking in front of a group. Various mediums will be used including, books, tapes, magazines, newspapers and songs. Various art themes will be incorporated into the weekly schedule to provide creative outlets and introduce pre-academic concepts such as, shapes, colors, numbers and letters. bigscars

There will be many opportunities provided to the children for active indoor and outdoor play, as well as dramatic play. Age-appropriate play equipment will be used for the development of large motor skills and coordination. Also, there will be many activities throughout the day for children to develop their fine motor skills through the use of materials such as scissors, stringing beads, crayons, play-doh, and more!

bigsfacebookTeachers will help children develop a sense of cultural awareness and appreciation for diversity, through books, games, songs, food and crafts. Weekly themes will provide opportunities to learn about different customs, holidays, foreign language and basic sign language.

Through daily interaction with teachers and peers, your child will learn to adapt socially. Teachers will encourage sharing with others but, will provide ample opportunities for independent play. Your child’s teachers will help each child learn to use language to problem solve and express feelings by modeling and encouraging appropriate behaviors.

Each November and May you will receive written observations on your child’s growth and development at day care with the opportunity to schedule a conference. We are available to meet with you at any time during the year should the need arise.

The Big Kid’s Room is overseen by the Level II teacher who is assisted by a Level I and Teacher Aide. The ratio for this room is 1:7. Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, outdoor


For more information please, call 585-244-3650