Q: Do you offer part time care?
A: As of September 2018 we will no longer offer part time care to new families.
Q: Do you have a week where your center is closed for a full week?
A: No.
Q: Does your center have violations?
A: No. Here is a website from OCFS to check local child care centers violations https://ocfs.ny.gov/main/childcare/ccfs_template.asp
Q: What does your center do for Fire Safety?
A: Monthly we conduct a series of drills, such as Fire Drills, Lock Downs & Shelter in Place.
Q: Does the tuition fee cover the times your center is open?
A: Yes. We charge one rate which covers from the time we open at 7 am to when we close at 6 pm.
Q: Is lunch and snacks provided?
A: On Mondays, we provide special lunch which is an additional cost. Parents pack lunch for the other days of the week. We provide a healthy snack mornings and afternoons. We also provide milk daily for lunch. For special lunch menu, please visit the Information section on our website.
Q: Do you have any nursery programs for children not needing full time care?
A: Yes! We have a outstanding Pre-K program that is Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM that prepares children for Kindergarten
We also have a full day Kindergarten program Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Both programs are taught by certified teachers and are licensed by New York State.
Q: Does your Pre-K and K program follow the Brighton School calendar?
A: Yes, we observe all holidays and closing as Brighton schools would. Certain days the center is open and you may have your child attend for care that day. A schedule for the year will be handed out at the time you start.
Q: Payment Options
A: Option 1- Monthly payment by personal check (due by the 10th of each month)
Option 2- Monthly (10th) or semi- monthly(1st & 15th) payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT)
For further payment information please, call 585-244-3650
Q: Can my child be bussed?
A: Yes, if your child attends our private Kindergarten program they will be bussed at 9:00 AM & 2:30 PM.
Q: If we do not live in Brighton, can my child be bussed?
A: Yes, only if your child attends the private Kindergarten program between the hours of 9:00 AM & 2:30 PM.
Q: My child receives weekly therapy, are the therapist able to work while my child at the center?
A: Yes, we work closely with the therapist on scheduling and working with your child to progress.
- For more information call, 585-244-3650