* Enrolling now for Early K 2025-2026 school year! * If you are looking for an Early Kindergarten to bridge the gap because your child has a fall Birthday or need an additional year to work on developmental skills then call today!
*For more information, please call us at 585-244-3650
Kindergarten is a child’s first exposure to a learning community, where they form their basic attitudes toward learning, themselves, and others. Therefore, the Rich Beginnings New York State Registered objectives are to promote learning, foster intellectual curiosity, develop self-direction, and nurture personal and social growth. This early Kindergarten program will benefit children who need the extra year before starting Kindergarten. This program will also benefit children who have a late fall birthday who are not able to start Kindergarten due to the district’s age cut off.
With a full-day program we are able to offer small group sizes that allow children to feel independent, yet able to participate and cooperate in a group. We present learning through exploration, testing, and hands-on approaches designed to meet the developmental needs and interests of each child. We challenge children to master and apply basic skills while learning in new situations. We recognize that children grow at different rates, physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually, and we create an individualized plan that is best suited to his/ her needs.
This Early Kindergarten program provides learning experiences that focus on literacy and math with imbedded social and emotional learning. This program also focuses on each child’s physical, social and conative development. Our teaching approach uses meaningful learning materials and playtime that are centered around the children’s natural curiosity and desire to learn.
Early Kindergarten provides “the gift of time” to develop all these important developmental skills. Providing children with this extra year program will help build self-confidence and promote success in their academic career.
If you pay for wrap care, your child may attend “No School” days without extra cost. EK only children will need to pay for drop-in care if needed on “No School” days. See the office with any questions.